What does it mean...and why? Usually the term, 'Too many irons in the fire' is used with cautionary intention. As if to say, 'Don't take on too many things at once'. In my universe, my BLOG - I am rejecting the limitations of the outside world. By creating this universe I acknowledge a multitude of ideas and abilities with no apology or false modesty. The fire is the spiritsoul. The irons are the facets of personality & forms of creativity that issue forth from my soul's expression. In embracing my nature I hope to find a rhythm or cadence that is authentic to me so that expression can flow...continously. Ultimately, this BLOG is a place to blossom. To become. It's a journey whose path is not yet laid out. We won't know where we are until we get there. We may even be surprised by where it takes us...that is, if you want to go with me.